Saturday, January 3, 2015

Layout Progress Video #5

It's a brand new year and a chance for a renewed focus on model railroading! 2015 will be the year of the railroad.  I plan on getting a lot of work done on the railroad this year and I plan to update this blog quite often with all of my latest efforts.  I also plan on updating my Youtube channel regularly with video content as well.

To start the year out, let's take a look at what I've accomplished during 2014 (SPOILER: Not a lot.) as well as a look at what needs to be done in 2015.


  1. Soooo what happened to the year of the railroad??

  2. Haha! Yeah, I was standing in the basement last night looking at it and wondering the same thing myself. I got busy, I got distracted. I picked up a few long video games I had been meaning to play and I accidentally got into RC Planes as well. I hadn't run my trains in a very long time and so I started them up and ran them up and down the tracks a bit. The rails need a VERY good cleaning.

    Winter is coming, flying weather is going away quickly, I'm sure I'll be back to it soon enough!
