Sunday, September 15, 2013

Layout Progress Video #4

I figure it's about time I created another layout progress video. We get to see a train work the yard tracks in this one!


  1. Wow! Great job Matt! The scenery looks great! The blending scenery to backdrop is unbelievable! Your ballasting is also extremely realistic. Is the ballast, scenic express? About the snow drifts. Mike Confalone is really good at those and I think he uses foam just like you've been using. You might want to check out how he did those on the MRH magazines.

  2. Yup. Scenic Express #40 blended ballast. Be forewarned though. It is much darker than it appear on their site. However, this color looks great for the part of the country we are modeling. I've seen quite a few pictures around Kettle Falls with ballast like this.

    I really like the dark ballast color. It's a nice departure from what we often see on model railroads. I am going to order a quart of their light grey ballast though and make my own lighter blend for the mainline tracks though. The ballast around Ione WA is much lighter than this.

  3. It is really looking good, Matt. The transition to the backdrop looks great on the video. I could not tell where it was until you picked up the white foam piece.

