Friday, May 31, 2019

Rail Ramblin' - Why Model Railroading?

I've started a new series on Youtube. These will be short, vlog-style videos where I tackle a single subject related to model railroading. In the first episode I ask and try to answer the question: "Why Model Railroading?"

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Construction Continues

As my Instagram and YouTube activity goes up I've been ignoring this blog a bit. What I am not ignoring however is my layout room. Construction continues even as the weather gets nicer and the great outdoors calls to me. I'm going a bit slow, a bit deliberately, but I am happy with the progress I've made thus far.

I find there is a certain degree of magic in this point of the model railroad construction process. It is the beginning of a long journey. It is no longer just an idea in my mind. It is a sketch, a skeleton about to come to life.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Movie Mondays #12

TSG Multimedia has published a good number of videos about Jack Burgess and his stunning model railroad. In his latest video, Jack talks about the amazing structures on his layout and the amount of effort he put into make them as accurate as possible.